Year 7 Classes

Welcome To P7!

Mrs D Graham - Primary 7

Welcome to P7!

As the oldest in the school we have lots to look forward to in our final year at Damhead.

In Primary 7 we study topics World War Two, Natural Disasters and Titanic.

We also work hard on Literacy and Numeracy and integrate ICT and outdoor learning when we can.

We also go swimming in P7 in term two, enjoy a residential trip later in the year and work hard to put on a show in the Spring term to entertain you all.

A highlight of our year is pairing up with our P1 buddies and helping them throughout their first year of school.

Watch out for us here, on Seesaw and on the school’s Facebook page for update on what we are getting up to.


Term 1 in P7!

The children have made a great start to the year and have all settled well into life in P7. The children are working extremely hard this term with a large focus on problem solving. We will be looking at various ways to solve problems throughout the different areas of Numeracy and the wider curriculum. We are continuing with our PATHS programme this year which focuses on problem solving in our daily lives and teaches excellent strategies for dealing with difficult and challenging situations when they arise.

Our World Around Us topic this term is ‘We are at War’. Through this we are learning all about World War Two focusing particularly on The Blitz and researching what life was like as an evacuee. We are looking forward to linking art projects to our topic and in particular designing and making our own air raid shelters. Our novel, Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo, is also linked to our topic work. Through this we are learning about what life was like for children during WW2. Our STEM topic is electricity where we will be learning about how electricity is made and experimenting with various circuits.

We have started following the Sounds Write spelling scheme this year and will have two focused Sounds Write sessions per week where we practise the skills of breaking words into syllables in order to help spell the words accurately. Our current focus is on 3 syllable words.

We are looking forward to learning about film and animation this year as our focus in ICT. We will develop this through our WAU topic with the use of iMovie, iMotion and Green Screen apps. We look forward to sharing our final results with you all.

The children were so excited, in the first week of term, to be paired up with their P1 buddies. The P7 children are taking their roles very seriously and have done a great job so far. They really look forward to a Tuesday and Friday when they get to spend more time with their buddies. It has been lovely to hear great reports from the P1 parents about how the buddy system has helped their children settle into school.

The P7s have recently been given roles of responsibility within school. They were presented with a list of roles available and had to apply for whichever one they would like. After completing an interview with Mrs Laverty and myself, leadership roles were given. The children have taken these roles on with great enthusiasm and dedication showing us just how responsible they can be.

Well done P7, you have made a great start to what looks like an exciting year ahead.

Mrs Graham