The School uniform is available in Coleraine from:
28 Railway Rd,
BT52 1PE Heart and Home
10 Captain Street Lower,
Coleraine, BT51 3DT Waterside Superstore
The School Uniform Consists Of:
- light blue polo shirt
- maroon jumper with name of school
- grey skirt/trousers
- Black shoes are essential
Children who represent the school at outside events will be asked to wear a white shirt and school tie.
The PE uniform Consists Of:
- P1-P3- require black PE shoes (these should be named and sent to school where they are kept).
- P4-7- require school polo shirt, school jumber/cardigan and black, grey or navy leggings/shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers.
Please remember to label all items of clothing sent to school, especially coats, jumpers and cardigans with your child’s name. It would also be beneficial if schoolbags had your child’s name and emergency telephone number written inside.
Children should have a coat in school every day, as we are outside at least once in the day if at all possible.
Coats should be clearly labelled and easy for P1s to identify e.g. a key ring or tassel hanging from it.