Year 4 Classes

Welcome to P4!

Miss K Morrison - Primary 4

Welcome to P4!  

My name is Miss Morrison and I’m the Primary 4 teacher.  In P4 we study many fun and exciting topics, these include: Myths, Legends and Ancient Greece, Pirates, Green Fingers and Journeys. We enjoy learning through our Literacy and Numeracy work, collaborating in groups on ICT tasks, learning outdoors and doing lots of experimenting and investigating.

Watch out for us here, on Seesaw and on the school’s Facebook page.  

 Term 3 in Primary 4!

We are all excited for our final term in P4 and for all of the fun things that will be happening this term. Our new topic this term is ‘Green Fingers’ and that will keep us busy finding out all about our we can keep our planet healthy. We will look at pollution, the different types and how it affects our planet and also reducing, reusing and recycling. We also learn about the parts of plants and their uses, the life-cycle of plants, parts from around the world and things that we can use plants for. We will look and birds in our gardens and how we can look after them and we will get to construct our own bird feeders. We will enjoy doing lots of nice art projects, as well as playing in our Garden Centre role play corner and doing some experimenting to see which conditions are best for growing plant.

Another highlight of this term will be the P4/P5 Performance of Pirates vs Mermaids. We have been rehearsing for our show and look forward to letting you all see it.

Thank you for supporting your child with their learning at home and please continue to do so as much as possible, as this really does make a difference! Also thank you for your encouragement in mathletics, they have all been working so hard on it.

Take a look at our photos below!

Miss Morrison