What is the Role of a PATHS Pal

A PATHS Pal is trained to be a support on the playground for children and adults alike. You will be taught how to work alongside lunchtime supervisors and staff in order to look out for children/problems on the playground which you can help and support with. P7 will be taught how to use PATHS language on the playground in order to support problem solving and 3 steps for calming down. They learn ‘how to do turtle’ in order to best support P1/2.

If however at any point someone is cross with you or you see an argument/fight on the playground, it is not your role to get involved, but alert an adult if they do not know yet and pass on any information seen.

The role will allow you to gain a sense of responsibility and also practice your PATHS skills as you learn by teaching others. It can be a great support to playground staff with having less to deal with.

Every break and lunchtime 2-3 PATHS Pals will be allowed to exercise their role by going out during breaktimes and lunchtimes with the other classes.

During the training, you will be given ‘mini posters’ which are in the resource guide and these should be worn when ‘on duty’.

You will be taught about playground games which you can introduce to other children on the playground to solve any spats over games or to help involve those who may be feeling lonely