Year 3 Classes

Welcome to P3!

Mrs A Radcliffe - Senior Leadership Team, Primary 3, Safeguarding Team

Mrs T Peden - Primary 2 & 3 Teacher

Welcome to P3!

P3 is a fun, hardworking class! We strive to develop each child’s independence, gifts and talents through lots of different learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. We recognise and celebrate each child’s unique personality through our daily ‘Pupil of the Day’ in our PATHS programme.

Throughout the year, in our exciting topics, we find out all about our bodies and how we can keep healthy, we follow Paddington on his adventures looking at all the different kinds of animals he sees, we explore space and we study all sorts of mini-beasts.

We build on literacy work aiming to have confident readers and writers benefitting from phonic knowledge gained through our Sounds Write programme.

We enjoy a practical, ‘hands on’ approach in numeracy encouraging the boys and girls to think for themselves, challenge themselves and problem solve.

Throughout the year the class have lots of opportunities to use ICT to help with learning: using the Reading Eggs and Mathletics apps for homework; exploring with Spheros and Beebots in play; becoming familiar with green screen, animation and film making tools; using iPads to extend and consolidate learning.

In P3 the boys and girls are at the centre of everything we do!

Welcome to Term 3 in P3!

We can’t believe that we are now in the last term of Primary 3.

This term will again be packed with lots of exciting activities. We will be continuing with our topic of ‘Out of This World’. The children have been very excited since this topic was introduced. We will be finding out about the different planets in our solar system and will be investigating what life would be like as an astronaut. We will be creating and testing many different types of rockets.

Our last topic of the year is ‘It’s a Bug’s Life’ where the children will be finding out lots about different bugs in our own class minibeast laboratory. We will be learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and the children have been enjoying watching our real-life caterpillars grow and change. We all look forward to releasing our butterflies when they develop. We will be doing lots of other indoor and outdoor activities, including some investigating looking for bugs in a minibeast hunt around the school grounds, fixing up our mini-beast hotel and creating animations using Scratch.

We are looking forward to our Sports Day and Celebration Day where we can all celebrate together.

To end the year, the class will be visiting the nearby Damhead miniature railway which we know the children will have a great time going on lots of train rides.

It has been a fantastic year and we have really loved watching the class develop and grow throughout the year. We will continue to keep you updated on our learning through Seesaw, but if you have any concerns, please feel free to message us.

Mrs Radcliffe & Mrs Peden