Year 5 Classes

Welcome to P5!

Mrs A Johnston - Primary 5

Welcome to P5!  

My name is Mrs Johnston and I’m the P5 teacher.  In P5 we study exciting topics such as 

  • Live & Kicking – we find out all about our bodies, how they work and how best to keep them healthy!
  • On Our Doorstep – we delve into the history or our own area and find out all about the earliest settlement in Ireland, Mountsandel, just down the road!  We even take a visit to see for ourselves!
  • Footprints to the Past – this topic is about about the Ancient Egyptians, how they lived, what they did when a king died, and how they built those Pyramids!
  • Eco-Warriors – as we all know, now more than ever, we must look after our planet.  We find out how to save the rainforests, stop littering and use sustainable energy.

We enjoy learning through our Literacy and Numeracy work, collaborating in groups on ICT tasks, learning outdoors when we can, and we go swimming every week, all year long!

Watch out for us here, on Seesaw and on the school’s Facebook page.  

Welcome to the Summer Term in P5!

We have finished our Ancient Egypt topic and enjoyed a fabulous day out at Ulster Museum, learning even more about life in Ancient Egypt and seeing the mummy of Takabuti! We also visited the Tropical Ravine House in Botanic Gardens to see what it would be like to be in a rainforest, in preparation for our next topic.

Our ‘Eco-Warriors’ topic involves learning all about the problems currently facing our planet, and what action we can take to try to resolve these problems. This involves learning about the rainforests and the threat to them – where they are, their climate, the layers of vegetation, the amazing animals and the people who live there, and why they are so important to our world. We will be investigating how plants grow, and reproduce, and we’ll be writing an argument against the cutting down of the rainforests. We will try to empathise with the different people involved in deforestation and come up with alternative ideas for them to use. We will also learn about different ways to generate electricity and how to cut down on our use of plastic.

In Numeracy we’ll be doing lots of fraction and decimal work, so get to work on dividing up those pizzas and cakes! Keep an eye on the time – we’ll move on to 24 hour time this term.

We are also looking forward to joining with the P4s for a day to Portrush on the train! Details to follow on Seesaw.

So all in all, another packed term. Should you have any questions about it, please don’t hesitate to contact me in the usual ways.

Mrs Johnston


Mrs Johnston