Welcome to Primary 6!
My name is Miss Dale and I am the P6 teacher at Damhead Primary School. We work really hard in P6 and we are almost the oldest in the school! We study topics like Bridges, The Vikings and Europe! We enjoy learning about these exciting topics throughout the year. We also continue to work hard in Literacy and Numeracy, integrating ICT and some outdoor classroom throughout the year. In P6 we enjoy swimming lessons from September – December.
Welcome to Term 1!
We have all settled really well in P6 and are enjoying being back at school again after the summer break. We have a busy first term ahead in P6. We will keep you up to date with our latest news and any updates on Seesaw.
Our World Around Us topic for this term is ‘Bridges’. We will be studying famous bridges, recognising the importance of bridges and deciding on the best place for a bridge. We will also study a case story called ‘The Disappearance of the Foyle Bridge’.
We will be studying explanation texts and using our bridges knowledge, we are also getting ready to become engineers and explain how to build a bridge. We are very excited to build some model bridges of our own and test them this term. We have been reading our class novel ‘Wonder’ which everyone is really enjoying, the message in the book is ‘Choose Kind’. Our class novel is linked to some of our PATHS activities where we have been learning about different feelings and what makes a good friend.
In numeracy we have been working hard revising our place value, number bonds, addition and subtraction. We have used our RUCSAC method to solve a range of different mathematical problems. We have been trying our very best to learn all of our times tables both in school and at home! In P6 we will also be revising topics such as; money, time and carroll/tree/venn diagrams.
We have a busy term ahead in P6 and we are all looking forward to the challenges ahead. I will keep you updated on our learning journey through Seesaw but if you have any concerns, please feel free to send me a message, give me a call or contact me by email, sdale335@c2ken.net.
Miss Dale