Year 5 Classes

Welcome to P5!

Mrs A Johnston - Primary 5

Welcome to P5!  

My name is Mrs Johnston and I’m the P5 teacher.  In P5 we study exciting topics such as 

  • Live & Kicking – we find out all about our bodies, how they work and how best to keep them healthy!
  • On Our Doorstep – we delve into the history or our own area and find out all about the earliest settlement in Ireland, Mountsandel, just down the road!  We even take a visit to see for ourselves!
  • Footprints to the Past – this topic is about about the Ancient Egyptians, how they lived, what they did when a king died, and how they built those Pyramids!
  • Eco-Warriors – as we all know, now more than ever, we must look after our planet.  We find out how to save the rainforests, stop littering and use sustainable energy.

We enjoy learning through our Literacy and Numeracy work, collaborating in groups on ICT tasks, learning outdoors when we can, and we go swimming every week, all year long!

Welcome to the Autumn term in P5!

Our topic up until half-term is ‘Live & Kicking’! We will learn all about our bodies including our skeleton, major organs, muscles and heart. This will also involve finding out how to stay fit and healthy, and we’ll be testing our heart rates before and after exercise. We look forward to making animations on Ipads about how to look after our teeth – we’ll share them with you on Seesaw! Through investigation work, we’ll also find out which drinks are best and worst for your teeth.

In Literacy we will be focusing on recount writing – writing about our own experiences. We will be writing about our first trip to the swimming pool, something we’re very excited about doing each week! Our Numeracy work will focus this half term on revision, place value and addition up to ten thousand. Topic work will include measuring length (starting with our heights), time (analogue and digital to the nearest five minutes), studying 2D shape and reading from and drawing bar charts.

So we have a busy term ahead and hope you’ll keep up to date with us through our regular newsletters and Seesaws. Watch this space for updates and photos!

As always, if you have any concerns regarding your child, please give me a ring, or contact me on Seesaw or by email –

Watch out for us here, on Seesaw and on the school’s Facebook page.  

Mrs Johnston