Principal Address

Principal Address


Welcome to our school website. We hope it gives you a flavour of life in Damhead Primary School.
We are a controlled primary school situated on the outskirts of Coleraine. The school was established in 1933 with the new school being built in 2003.

We have one class of each year group and currently employ 9 teachers and 11 Classroom Assistants. Every class currently has a classroom assistant. We have a very child centred approach where ‘children come first’ and we are dedicated to ensuring that all aspects of learning have the children’s needs and interests at the centre.

We promote a Christian and caring ethos and aim to develop in all levels within school, a culture of mutual respect, teamwork, self-discipline, honesty, empathy and responsibility. Our ethos is reflected in all areas of school life and we feel happy children, staff and parents who feel valued and involved are paramount to positive learning experiences and a successful school.

We provide a wraparound service from 8am until 5.00pm every day. The children can attend Breakfast Club from 8.15-8.45am and Hop Club from 2-5pm . We also have an extensive programme of after school activities including football, multiskills, hockey, rugby, cricket, crafty kidders, construction, gymnastics, dance and cookery.

Music and drama are also important to us. We have The Causeway School of Music providing peripatetic teaching with a variety of instruments such as flutes, violins, trumpets, guitars, ukeleles being taught. We are delighted to have Mrs Helen Hutchinson join the music team as lead singing teacher, choir teacher and piano teacher. Mrs Gwen Cochrane and Mrs Grace Steele continue to be very important members of the music team. Ms. Niaomh Rodgers under the title of Stage Presence Productions continues to provide the children with Musical Theatre Lessons.

Every year we put on a several productions including the P1-3 Nativity Concert, P4&5 drama show and  the big P6/7 production under the directorship of Miss Katie Patton. The  children from P1 upwards all have the opportunity to participate in both the Music and the Speech and Drama festivals in Portstewart and Coleraine.

We pride ourselves on being a Model PATHS School. The PATHS(Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) programme is implemented at a whole school level and it is very clear to see the positive impact it is having on the holistic development of our children. The PATHS programme is an international state-of-the-are programme designed for schools to facilitate the development of self contest, emotional awareness and interpersonal problem-solving skills.

We are currently also working towards acheiving out Autism Impact Award which involves us as a school receiving Autism aware training and being able to support autistic children as well as providing adjustments to the school environment to help autistic people feel comfortable at school.

As you can see, we continually strive to give the children new experiences in a variety of activities and we will look at other opportunities given to us by the local community.

Thank you for taking the time to look at our website. If you would like to visit the school or find out more information please do not hesitate to ring me on 028 70353641 or email

Kind regards,

Jill Laverty